Thursday, August 7, 2008


By Scott Daniels, Esq., NFL Draftbible

As Brett Favre emerged from his private plane a few days ago, crowds of fans applauded him as if he were a member of the Beatles. Members of the media rushed for photos and the television networks covered every second of his return to the town that views Favre as a god, rather than a Hall of Fame quarterback.

The Favre saga has officially become a circus. However, it's not surprising. The most popular player to ever don a Packer jersey has just been shipped out of Lambeau and traded for a conditional draft pick. A scenario no one could have conjured.

So it appears the Favre circus has come to an end.

I beg to differ. In fact, this circus has only just begun.

The media has already sunk it's teeth into this situation and that can only mean one thing. Do whatever it takes to get a story. Even if it means employing dirty tactics. After all, dirt sells.

Take a look at every major sports story in the last five years. Once the media starts seriously digging around, it becomes a full fledged soap opera. And unfortunately for the Favre camp, if history has taught us anything, this saga is about to hit new highs.

Barry Bonds
The steroid era in baseball may not begin with Barry Bonds, but he is certainly the catalyst for it. Bonds rose to fame after becoming the homerun king amidst a flurry of allegations that he was taking performance enhancing drugs. After vigorously denying that he took illegal steroids, his media coverage skyrocketed. Networks and newspapers watched his every move.

The result: Bonds did claim the record for most homeruns in history but was subsequently indicted on perjury charges and remains unable to find a job in baseball. His media coverage resulted in numerous books portraying him as a criminal, tons of negative rumors and a reputation that even Mike Tyson wouldn't trade for.

Michael Vick
Vick initially denied taking part in a large scale dog-fighting ring that operated in multiple states. Almost without hesitation, the public and the media saw right through him. Richmond, Virginia quickly attracted media outlets from all over and the circus began. Following a few weeks of investigation and several media discoveries, the most popular athlete in Atlanta - and quite possibly the most exciting player in the league - had fallen.

The result: Vick was sentenced to a lengthy prison sentence and had to forfeit his mega deal he received from the Falcons a few years prior. His legacy will be forever tarnished. His future in the NFL may be dead.

Roger Clemens
Once the Mitchell Report dropped, Major League Baseball was immediately criticized for their lack of effort in battling steroids in baseball. While many claimed the report lacked credibility, several players came forward and admitted to their wrongdoings. Clemens chose to do just the opposite.

Clemens vehemently denied ever using performance enhancing drugs and went head to head with his former trainer who even went so far as to provide old syringes that Clemens allegedly used. The media jumped all over this and began to dig up anything they could find.

The result: Clemens' personal life was ripped open by every media outlet under the sun. Old flings were discovered, connections to underage celebrities, phone records were re-hashed and Clemens lost every ounce of credibility in the process.

Let me be clear. While I do not agree with Favre's decision to come out of retirement, he has done nothing wrong here. The man has already admitted to retiring early, which by all means, is an honest mistake. But there is a lot of information that we still don't know.

What was really said in those back-door meetings between Packer brass and Brett Favre?

How does Favre really feel about his former head coach and the Packer organization?

Jet training camp is about to be the focal point of the NFL. And Favre will continue to dominate headlines for weeks to come. That we know. What we learn about Favre and the Packers over the next few weeks will surely be interesting. Stay tuned football fans, this circus has just begun.......

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