Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Disappointing Conclusion

By Scott Daniels, Esq., NFL Draft Bible

It was seen by some as the biggest controversy in history of the NFL. It consumed the media for months and sparked endless debate about one team's overwhelming success. It became a household name. And most importantly, it's name was derived from the biggest government scandal in the history of our country.

But after several months of speculation and suspense, Spygate is finally over.

Ok, it's not officially over, but it should be.

Unfortunately, Arlen Specter is still crying foul, but his motives have nothing do with fixing the integrity of the game. Spygate has provided a stage for him to advance his own political agenda. And now Specter wants a "Mitchell-like" investigation into the wrongdoings of Bill Belichick and the Patriots.

While I initially applauded Specter's actions in questioning how the NFL has handled Spygate, a lengthy governmental investigation into a controversy involving the blatant violation of NFL rules is not only pointless, but a waste of time and valuable tax dollars.

As much as I wanted to uncover unimaginable truths stemming from Spygate, the pseudo-conspiracy has simply dried up. Walsh was the last straw in a depleted investigation and he provided nothing by way of physical evidence. Spygate was reminiscent of intriguing film with a disappointing ending. It simply lacked substance.

In a court of law, Walsh's potential damaging testimony about Bill Belichick and the Patriots would be considered hearsay - and therefore, inadmissible at trial.

But Walsh's long awaited emergence into the spotlight did provide us with something.........

A means to an end.

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