Friday, April 4, 2008

First Ban by The NFL?

By Scott Daniels, Esq., NFL Draft Bible

You know it's pretty bad when even the Cincinnati Bengals no longer want you on their roster because of disciplinary problems.

Assault. Possession of marijuana. Concealment of a weapon. Aggravated assault with a firearm. Providing alcohol to minors. Alleged sexual mischief. And the list goes on.

That wasn't a list of the various crimes NFL players commit on an annual basis. That was a list of crimes that former Bengal Chris Henry has committed during his tenure in the NFL.

How about these numbers? In a three year period, Henry was arrested five times in three different states. Four of those arrests took place within a fourteen month window.

Henry may be a talented athlete, but his ability to get tangled up with the law is staggering. Statistically speaking, he has a promising career as a lifetime criminal.

While everyone is wondering what Roger Goodell is going to do with him, that should be the least of his problems. Henry could be facing serious jail time and looking at his rap sheet, any judge would be silly to not impose a harsh sentence.

Henry is a repeat offender. In fact, he has abused the term. The man clearly has no interest in maintaining a professional standard and he has no business representing himself as a player in the National Football League.

Roger Goodell has only one choice. Henry should be suspended indefinitely pending a judicial outcome of his current charges. If he is found guilty of his current charges of assault and criminal damaging, then Henry should be banned from the league.

Regardless of the fact that Henry has been exonerated on a few charges in the past, he has surrounded himself with numerous criminal probes that have seriously damaged the reputation of all NFL players.

Whether or not Goodell allows Henry to play in the NFL again, Henry's image is already a disgrace. If he's lucky, Henry may play football again, but most likely not in the NFL.

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