Tuesday, August 21, 2007


By Scott Daniels, Esq., NFL Draft Bible

To the hardcore football fan, the NFL Draft is one of the most exciting events, outside of the regular season. Each pick is carefully considered in what is known as a team's "war room" and the preparation for the draft never ends. When Draft Day does finally arrive, players are born into the world of professional football. Some fans rejoice in anticipation of what is to come of their team's future, while others mock their team's front office in frustration on what they believe is a busted pick. It's a day filled with emotions and it is also a day where no team is exactly sure if they won or lost.

Well, the 2007 NFL Draft has come and gone, and it is not a team that is currently on the clock.

It is Roger Goodell and the NFL that are officially on the clock.

Late yesterday, Michael Vick's lawyers announced that he would be pleading guilty to federal conspiracy and dogfighting charges. He is set to plead guilty on Monday, August 27 and the NFL will inevitably follow up with retribution.

The million dollar question is: What will be Vick's penalty from the NFL?

So far, NFL officials have refused to comment on the situation. Goodell's decision will certainly set a major precedent, and while a suspension is imminent, there is a real possibility that Vick may be banned from the league. Goodell also has the power to punish the Falcons organization if he so pleases. From a legal standpoint, Goodell virtually has the power to punish Vick indefinitely. His conduct policy is so vague that he reigns supreme in the NFL. Furthermore, Vick will be pleading guilty, so there is no question of whether or not he committed the crimes charged against him.

As important as a team's draft pick is every year, Goodell's decision on how he handles this situation will be monumental. A punishment too lenient will leave Goodell open to heavy criticism from all angles. If he bans Vick from the league, many will say it's too harsh. Either way, Goodell's decision will be carefully analyzed and critiqued by players, coaches, analysts and the media. With Vick already admitting his wrongdoing, things are only going to get worse.

Mr. Commissioner, you're on the clock.


Unknown said...

I think getting railroaded in jail may be penalty enough.

Unknown said...

they should make vick bring his rape stand with him to the clink.